What is Natural Family Planning?
Natural Family Planning allows couples to cooperate with God's design of conceiving life in a manner that respects and upholds the dignity of the human person, the gift of human life, and the sacredness of the marital embrace. Authentic married love is free, total, faithful, and fruitful. Being a gift to your spouse, holding nothing back, including your fertility, images God's own generous and fruitful love for us. In turn, fully receiving the gift of your spouse in a reciprocal manner expresses the openness and acceptance of married love. "By its very nature the institution of marriage and married love is ordered to the procreation and education of offspring and it is in them that it finds its crowning glory" (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1652).
There are many benefits to using Natural Family Planning (NFP) methods. While practicing an NFP method may involve more effort, the benefits are by far worth it. Here are a few benefits of NFP:
Deeper communication and intimacy between spouses
Healthier for the wife's body (no artificial hormones or chemicals)
Greater possibility of identifying health problems that need addressing such as poly-cystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, low progesterone, or other infertility issues
More cost effective (depending on the method you choose, the cost will be minimal to zero)
Deeper respect and cooperation with God's design of a woman's body which is only fertile for a small window each month
Proven method for helping couples achieve pregnancy by observing the woman's ovulation markers or avoiding pregnancy for a time for a just reason
Why does the Church teach this?
When a man and woman enter into marriage they establish a covenant with one another in which they give themselves freely, totally, faithfully, and fruitfully as noted in the questions of consent on the day of the wedding: Have you come here to enter into marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly? Are you prepared, as you follow the path of marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live? Are you prepared to accept children lovingly from God and to bring them up according to the law of Christ and his Church?
The couple's conjugal embrace is a physical expression of their wedding vows, which potentially leads to new life if God so wills. The conjugal embrace has a two-fold purpose: union and procreation. God has designed sex as a good which deepens the bond of the spouses and can naturally lead to the creation of new human life during a woman's fertile period. The couple thus become co-creators with God of a new life called to dwell with Him for eternity in heaven. Couples, therefore, are called to an openness to life that honors their human dignity and the sexual act, which fulfills their wedding vows and recognizes God as the author and sustainer of all human life. To willfully render the sexual act sterile through an act of contraception dismisses all of these realities.
Throughout Christian history, the faithful, whether Catholic or Protestant, recognized contraceptives as a denial of the dignity of the human person and the sexual embrace. Only as recent as 1930 did some Protestant expessions of faith begin to turn from this truth. The Church reiterates it's perennial fidelity to God's design for man and woman in the Catechism, "'every action which, whether in anticipation of the conjugal act, or in its accomplishment, or in the development of its natural consequences, proposes, whether as an end or as a means, to render procreation impossible' is intrinsically evil" (CCC 2370). Contraceptive use, therefore, is objectively and gravely sinful matter.
Desiring to propose the truth, beauty, and goodness of married life and the joy of the Gospel to couples, the Church invites all those in the marital state of life to consider natural family planning to assist in achieving pregnancy, or for just reasons, to avoid pregnancy in a moral and ethical manner. "Periodic continence, that is, the methods of birth regulation based on self-observation and the use of infertile periods, is in conformity with the objective criteria of morality. These methods respect the bodies of the spouses, encourage tenderness between them, and favor the education of an authentic freedom" (CCC 2370). For a further detailed understanding of why the Church teaches and proposes this beautiful truth of human love and life, please see the Resources section below.
Natural Family Planning Methods
This method involves charting biomarkers such as cervical mucus to determine fertile periods.
This method utilizes fertility monitors with urinary biomarkers to observe hormone levels to determine fertile periods.
This method involves charting natural fertility markers such as cervical mucus to determine fertile periods.
This method involves observing cervical mucus and body temperature to determine fertile periods.
This method involves hormonal monitoring, charting cervical mucus, and body temperature to determine fertile periods.
This method involves charting biomarkers such as cervical mucus to determine fertile periods.
Local NFP Instructors
Kiki Bertasi of St. John Paul II FertilityCare (Creighton Model FertilityCare)
Paula Romanoski of Vitae Fertility (Marquette Method)
Stephanie Martin, specializing in perimenopausal support, endometriosis, and infertility (ChartNeo)
Fiat Integrative Health: Providing family healthcare, including women's health and fertility awareness-based methods locally in Franklin, TN
Online NFP Instruction
Six part video "overview, witness, and introduction to the beauty and science of Natural Family Planning"
Free one-on-one Billings Ovulation Method training
(English & Spanish)
One-on-one instruction on the Billings Ovulation Method
Live online classes on the FertilityCare System
Search for online instructors for various NFP methods (English & Spanish)
Live online or self-paced classes on the Sympto-Thermal Method
(English & Spanish)
On-demand and live online classes on the Sympto-Thermal Method
One-on-one instruction on the Boston Cross-Check Method
One-on-one instruction on the Marquette Method
One-on-one instruction on the Marquette Method
Individual or group instruction on the Marquette Method
One-on-one instruction on the Marquette Method
One-on-one instruction on the Marquette Method
One-on-one instruction on the Marquette Method
More Marquette Method Instructors
Visit this page and click on map locations to see if instructors conduct distance learning.
Instrucción en línea sobre PFN en español
Una serie de tres vídeos con ejercicios y material para descargar sobre el Método de la Ovulación Billings, método de Planificación Familiar Natural (PFN).
Màs instrucción en línea sobre el método de ovulación Billings en español
Clases en vivo online o a tu propio ritmo sobre el Método Sinto-Térmico en español
Màs instrucción en línea del método sintotérmico en español
instrucción del método Marquette en línea en español
Clase de parejas método Marquette - por favor contactar Susana Crespo
Instrucción online sobre el Modelo Creighton en español
Información sobre el método de ovulación.
Other Resources
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